Can Landlords Ask for Proof of Right to Rent from All Tenants or Just the Main Tenant?

When it comes to renting a residential property in England, it is essential to verify that the tenant or tenants have the legal right to do so. This is known as the Right to Rent, and it requires landlords and leasing agents to check the immigration status of all adults who will be living on the property. To prove their right to rent, tenants must provide evidence that confirms their immigration status, such as a British citizenship, an EU resident status, an indefinite residence permit, or refugee status. The lease agreement should be signed by all tenants and the landlord, and each tenant should receive a copy of it. The agreement may also include details of the landlord's obligations to repair the property.

The type of lease you have depends on your situation, not on what your contract says. You can check what type of lease you have by reviewing it. The landlord must provide an address in England or Wales if the primary address is in another country. This address must be used when sending any official documentation or formal letter, including notification if you want to end the tenancy. The landlord must also give you a copy of the government guide on how to rent and provide information about your deposit within 30 days. Your landlord may have legal responsibilities that are not set out in the agreement but are implied in all leases.

These include ensuring that their home is suitable for living in and giving you more rights than your basic rights under the law. If you're thinking about disputing or are trying to enforce a verbal agreement with your tenant or landlord, you can talk to a counselor. Your landlord may charge you a fee for changing your lease, but only if you requested the change. If they don't return illegal charges to you, you can report them to Trading Standards or take them to court. If your landlord includes other charges, it could be illegal; ask them to return it or report them to Trading Standards. If you are disabled, the landlord may have additional obligations under the Equality Act 2010.They must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled people can use their services and access their property.

Alexa Frisino
Alexa Frisino

Subtly charming web junkie. Incurable zombie nerd. Friendly bacon enthusiast. Avid food lover. Avid social media fan.

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